

Assorted blog posts related to the work at Nordpil, by Hugo Ahlenius. The blog covers notes and musing on graphic design, cartography, GIS, productivity and much more.

September 16, 2012

I found this interesting library to export geospatial data from web applications running the ArcGIS Server JavaScript API - js2shapefile - which seems to work very well.

Arctic sea ice, august 2012
September 11, 2012
Arctic sea ice, august 2012

The extent of the sea ice in the Arctic reached a record low for the month of August this year (2012) - with the ice reaching 4.72 million square kilometers. I thought it would be fun to prepare a map over that using the latest available data.

Dietary trends - animated bubble chart (animal and vegetable food supply 1961-2007)
July 20, 2012
Dietary trends

Dietary trends on food supply of animal and vegetable products, by country, presented in a bubble chart. The animated time series shows the trends 1961-2007 using the motion chart gadget from Google, as used by Gapminder. The data was retrieved from FAOSTATS.

Bearings from MatLab data to Illustrator, via ArcGIS
May 4, 2012
Bearings from MatLab data to Illustrator, via ArcGIS

Using an Adobe Illustrator Javascript to recreate map symbols of arrows with bearings in a cartography workflow to being GIS data from ESRI ArcGIS into Illustrator.

Cross-hatch fills for map symbols in Adobe Illustrator
April 30, 2012
Cross-hatch fills for map symbols in Adobe Illustrator

Some notes about using swatch libraries for cross-hatch fills or hachures in Adobe Illustrator.

Revert to saved mxd - ArcMap idea
April 28, 2012
Revert to saved mxd - ArcMap idea

Wouldn't it be great if one could just zoom up to the File menu in ArcMap and choose the Revert item, to reload the map document (mxd) that you are currently working on to a previously saved state? Vote for my idea at

Indonesian NSDI
April 26, 2012
Indonesian NSDI

Just found the Indonesian NSDI Geoportal - great resource for working with maps over the area.

Raster dataset footprint in ArcPy
April 23, 2012
Raster dataset footprint in ArcPy

Simple little ArcGIS arcpy python script that creates a footprint shapefile from raster datasets.

Revisiting old code
April 22, 2012
Revisiting old code

So a website I have been working on in the past is up for a remake, and it is way overdue. I am assisting the new web developer in exporting the old database so that they can import it into their new publishing system.

ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map
April 20, 2012
Aster GDEM

So a project required high-resolution shaded relief for parts of Borneo, so I thought I would check out the ASTER Global Digital Elevation Map...