
The future for African elephants - map and analysis

August 1, 2013

Africa elephant range and human impact, 2010 and scenario for 2050The status and future for the African elephant, the world's largest remaining land animal, is the subject of a new report by UNEP/GRID-Arendal. The report, which is part of the Rapid Response Assessment series, features maps and scenario analysis by Nordpil.

Elephants in the dust - The african elephant crisis is an 80-page report that provides an overview of the current state of the African elephant alongside recommendations for action to ensure its protection.

For a spatial analysis of the current and future impact of human activities in the current elephant range, the authors relied on Nordpil to provide an analysis using the GLOBIO model. The Geographic Information System (GIS) model utilized is based on existing land cover, population, economic activities and most importantly infrastructure, such as roads, railroads and powerlines.

The analysis was performed using the ESRI ArcGIS software and the resulting maps were finalized in Adobe Illustrator.

The scenario maps serve as an indication of the ecological conditions that should be considered for future conservation priorities.

Read the report Elephants in the dust - The african elephant crisis on the UNEP/GRID-Arendal website