September 14, 2012

Cartography workshop in Umeå

Cartography workshop in Umeå

Map workshop at Umeå municipalityNordpil was contracted to hold a full-day cartography (map design) workshop for professionals working for the municipality of Umeå in northern Sweden. The workshop took place in August 2012, and featured lectures and interactive exercises based on topics such as map critique and deconstruction. The 35 participants were surveyors, cadastral staff, GIS engineers and cartographers.

The workshop covered both fundamental and advanced training for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), geoinformatics, map-making, map design and cartography.

One session detailed the deconstruction of maps into elements and symbols, and how to put these together to create maps with the highest impact for communicating core messages.

Web GIS and interactive maps were also covered in brief.

The interactive sessions gave seminar participants the opportunity to try speed-dating with maps discussions. Groups of 5-7 people were given four minutes each to discuss and analyze one map per four-minute interval, and to come up with a short summary and impressions that were shared with the group and discussed.

To learn more about training by Nordpil, please see