May 15, 2009

Workshop - better graphics for environment

Marketing flyer:Charts, diagrams and maps that make a difference – how to do it right! - Training in visual communication for environment and sustainable development

Nordpil, in close cooperation with environmental consultant Envalue, is pleased to announce a training programme in better visual communication for environment and sustainable development. In the full-day workshop, we teach you how to make better charts, diagrams and maps to reach a wide audience. The workshop is aimed at anyone who works with commmunicating and presenting environmental information - such as journalists, scientists and communicators.

The workshop consists of a full-day intensive program split into separate sessions. Rather than focusing on technical proficiency in software handling, the workshop takes a platform-agnostic perspective and focuses on the background and theory, as well as what to achieve (and why), but not necessarily how to achve it.


Please refer to the workshop description page for more information:
Charts, diagrams and maps that make a difference – how to do it right!