
Arctic Resilience Interim Report 2013

September 30, 2013

Arctic Resilience Interim Report 2013The Arctic Resilience Interim Report 2013 was presented in May at the Kiruna Ministerial meeting of the Arctic Council. The interim report represents a major milestone in a multi-year effort in creating a comprehensive assessment on the state and resilience of the socio-ecological systems of the circumpolar north.

The assessment is prepared by a team of scientists, practitioners and representatives of indigenous peoples from throughout the Arctic.

The goal is reach a better understanding of the challenges in the north, including:

  • Identification of the potential for shocks and large shifts in ecosystems services that affect society in the Arctic.
  • An analysis of how various drivers of change interact in ways that affect the ability of the region's ecosystems and human populations to withstand shocks - and to adapt and transform.
  • Evaluation of strategies for communities to adapt to these challenges.

The assessment is led by the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Stockholm Resilience Centre.

Nordpil collaborated closely with the editorial team and contributing scientist to prepare all the diagrams, charts and maps in the interim report.

The visuals were prepared to communicate the process and results in a clear and legible way for a wide audience.

To read more about the report, and for download link, please refer to the Arctic Council Arctic Resilience Report website: