
News and Announcements

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Världens länder ("Countries of the world")
August 19, 2014
Världens länder

For an upcoming educational website, the Swedish online encyclopedia Nationalencyclopedin turned to Nordpil for the preparation of a collection of thematic maps. The website will feature information about countries and the world, and the world maps present a variety of themes related to the environment, sustainable development and global politics.

Swedish polar research portal
August 5, 2014
Swedish polar research portal

The Swedish Polar Research Secretariat is working on a new website and portal presenting its work. The main interface will be an interactive map interface. Nordpil was assigned the task of assembling a database of GIS data for the polar regions, including both the Arctic and Antarctica. From this database a background map was prepared using TileMill and MapBox.

Climate change maps for Globalis
July 23, 2014
Climate change maps for Globalis

Globalis, a map-based educational website by the Nordic UN associations, was recently updated with a new portal on climate change. Hugo Ahlenius of Nordpil acquired recent climate data for the site, adapted it and prepared map presentations using MapBox and TileMill for the interactive map on the website.

New Wagner VII GIS database
July 4, 2014
New Wagner VII GIS database

Nordpil is proud to announce the Wagner VII basemap database. This collection of GIS data is now publicly available for download and integration in cartographic outputs and projects. The data is modified from the Natural Earth 2.0 dataset and reprojected and edited. Wagner VII is an equal-area projection suitable for thematic world maps.

Water Resilience for Human Prosperity
March 26, 2014
Water Resilience for Human Prosperity

Humanity now constitutes the largest driving force for changes to the biosphere, and as a result of our actions, we are facing critical challenges. How can we handle governance and management of water resources in the context of rapid global change? Water Resilience for Human Prosperity (Rockström, Falkenmark, Folke et al) presents a new approach to water, addressing global sustainability and focusing on socio-ecological resilience. Topics covered include the risks of unexpected change; human impacts and dependence on global water; the prospects for feeding the world’s population by 2050; and a pathway for the future. Hugo Ahlenius of Nordpil coordinated the book production, prepared all the graphics and managed communication with the authors.

Revised web maps for UNEP/GRID-Arendal
March 13, 2014
Revised web maps for UNEP/GRID-Arendal

Nordpil recently assisted UNEP/GRID-Arendal with the migration of a set of older interactive web maps to an updated solution. Maps showing biofuels in Uganda, the environment in the Arctic and Baltic regions, as well as drainage basin information in the Baltic countries have now been implemented using ESRI ArcGIS Server, offering users high performance, increased interactivity and mobile access.

AMAP Assessment 2013: Arctic Ocean Acidification
February 14, 2014
AMAP Assessment 2013: Arctic Ocean Acidification

The AMAP Arctic Ocean Acidification Assessment presents the results of a study including contributions from scientists from throughout the circumpolar north. The assessment examines how ocean acidification is affecting the Arctic seas, marine life and the peoples of the Arctic, and considers future impacts of ocean acidification. Hugo Ahlenius of Nordpil prepared maps, charts and diagrams for the report, and handled some of the data management.

Map featured in Essential Mapwork Skills 3
December 5, 2013
Map featured in Essential Mapwork Skills 3

A map by Hugo Ahlenius of Nordpil is included in the new textbook Essential Mapwork Skills 3 by Simon Ross, published in August 2013. The textbook, designed for CSE and A level specifications, supports the development and application of key geographical skills.

Publication list revised
November 12, 2013
Publication list revised

For clearer navigation and reference - the publication list has been revised and updated. The list has moved to its own section under portfolio, and updated with some of the latest reports for the year of 2013.

New Arctic report on sea-ice and biodiversity, with maps by Nordpil
October 31, 2013
New Arctic report on sea-ice and biodiversity, with maps by Nordpil

A new report from the Arctic Council, and the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) working group examines sea-ice-associated biodiversity on land in the marine, and climate change. As the ice is reduced, the report looks at the impacts for marine species as well as human communities. The report features maps by Hugo Ahlenius, Nordpil.