
Arctic ocean basemap

Arctic ocean basemapClick the image above for high-resolution view

A basemap is used as a backdrop to provide reference and context for thematic data and information overlaid in the map presentation. A carefully designed backdrop should use muted colors to avoid distracting the viewer from the main messages conveyed, while still providing the geographic framework.
This basemap was prepared primarily for Arctic marine and oceanographics needs. The bathymetry and characteristics of the seas were primary requirements from the client. The map was prepared for the entire Arctic region, including surrounding areas, and at very high resolution using the best available datasources. The resulting map was rendered as tiles in an image pyramid, deployed using ArcGIS Server and shared in an OGC Web Map Service (WMS) for consumption in an external application.

Map prepared as background image for web map application for marine and oceanographic sciences (ArcGIS Server and OGC WMS)

The map uses a Polar Stereographic projection, centered on the North Pole.

Global Mapper, ESRI ArcGIS and Adobe Illustrator were used to prepare the map. The resulting map was composited and rendered from various datasources that were merged into one dataset. Sources for the map were CleanTopo2, GEBCO, IBCAO and Natural Earth (cross-blended hypsography for land areas). Relief shading was created using Adobe Photoshop.

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